DIY Mini Pumpkin Decorating for Halloween/Autumn

Happy Halloween! I had an excess of temporary tattoos from Pepper Ink Temporary Tattoos, as well as other temp tatts that I had accumulated over the past summers so I thought I would re-purpose them. Instead of applying them to my skin, I would apply them to pumpkins - adding a unique embellishment to the outside of the pumpkins. This is particularly fun with the vintage looking tatts as well as the metallic tatts. For this DIY project, I used this vintage rose design and some metallic design strips. You just follow the instructions as if you are applying the tattoo to your skin, but instead on another surface. I like to use a small damp sponge, and almost soak the entire back of the temporary tattoo. 

Since the surface of a pumpkin is not one flat plane, be sure to push the temporary tattoo into the crevices of the pumpkin so that it lays flush against the surface, or else you could create air bubbles or wrinkles. 

After, applying display as apart of a table setting on your mantle or out on your front porch/entrance area. What other ways have you decorated pumpkins? I've seen so many interesting and unique ways to paint or embellishment pumpkins to fit a variety of home decor styles.