Restylane Silk Lip Filler Injections at Dr. Anzaldo

I was originally going to have lip filler done as apart of my bridal/wedding skin prep with Dr. Anzaldo, but decided to push it back until after the wedding. I hadn’t done any kind of filler or injectables in my face before so I wanted to wait - I had been informed that there is pain associated with the injections and was worried that the pain level may be too much for me. To my surprise, it didn’t really hurt that much, and I only really felt the prick from the initial injection points (I tried to . I made sure to follow the pre and post filler instructions to avoid bruising and irritation as much as possible.

I had Restylane silk injected which is intended to give more of a “natural” look; originally I was thinking I was only going to use a 1/2 syringe of filler in my top lip, I ended up using the entire syringe in my top and bottom lip. I could tell a subtle difference right after the injections were done and was advised how within 24 hours, I would experience extreme swelling and possible bruising. Waking up the morning after the treatment my lips were significantly more swollen (which you can see in the video), and feeling tender but it wasn’t too discomforting) with no bruising, it was manageable. The swelling went down by the next day and by the time my lips settled, I almost couldn’t tell that I had filler done but when comparing before and after photos, I could see that there’s a difference. I’m happy with the results!

Here are the following instructions pre-injections:

  • Schedule the treatment at least 1 month prior to an important event to ensure ample recovery time. Be sure to inform the nurse/physician of a history of medication allergies, anaphylaxis and any other medical conditions.

  • Cease using aspirin, Motrin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, gingko biloba, fish oil, green tea, St. John’s wart or other anti-inflammatory medications (if okay with my physician) 1-2 weeks prior to procedure as they can cause bruising. For mild discomfort or headaches Tylenol is recommended.

  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before treatment.

  • Discontinue use of Retin A 3 days before treatment.

  • Expect bruising and swelling to occur after the procedure, over the counter Arnica supplements have been shown to decrease bruising (available at a supplement store such as Whole Foods). Arnica should be taking 3 days prior to treatment.


If there are active cold sore/fever blisters, the treatment will have to be rescheduled. (this is the timeline given to me by my office, but I feel like if you’re experiencing cold sores/fever blisters for a few days leading up to your treatment where they haven’t healed, I would reschedule the appointment).


If a topical numbing agent is used, it must be applied 30 minutes prior to the treatment. Most of the dermal fillers contain Lidocaine which help with discomfort associated with this type of treatment. Advise the medical office during consultation if there are allergies to Lidocaine or Novacaine.


  • Apply cold compress to the areas treated (avoid pressure) as this helps reduce swelling and the potential for bruising.

  • Expect treated areas to be red, slightly swollen and bruised for the first 2-5 days. Bruising can last up to 14 days and one side may heal faster than the other.

  • Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) may be taken if any mild tenderness or discomfort is experienced.

  • Do not touch, press, rub or manipulate the treated area unless directed to do . Avoid kissing, puckering and sucking for the rest of the day as these motor movements can undesirably displace the implanted dermal filler material. This can cause irritation, sores and/or problems and possible scarring if done. Gentle washing is allowed a few hours after treatment.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise or activity for the remainder of the treatment for 3 days after the procedure. Other normal activities and routines may be resumed immediately.

  • Avoid hot showers or saunas for 3 days after treatment as they can worsen bruising.

  • It is best to wear no makeup or lipstick until the next day. Earlier use can cause pustules. Bruising may be covered with makeup the day after treatment.

  • Continue to avoid aspirin, ibuprofen and all supplements described above if okay with the physician for 1 week, as they increase your potential to bruise.

  • Continue not using Retin A for 3 days after treatment.

  • Wait a minimum of 2 weeks before receiving any facial or massage treatment.

  • Contact the office if any redness, blisters or itching post treatment occurs.