{Warm Fuzzies}

 {A Great Friend & Great Purchases}
The Sweater: I had been looking for the perfect sweater for fall; oversized but not humongous, non-itchy, and just the right thickness for comfort. One day, while on my lunch break, I did my usually 15 minute sweep through Forever 21....and there it was....like a light was shining on the t-stand, the sweaters w fully stocked in all sizes on the rack. It was the sweater I had been looking for....FOUND! Everything fit just right when I threw it on, and it was a beautiful cream color...I had to get it. 

The Jeans: Can I just be on record that I have been looking for the last 4 years for the exact style of jeans that I just purchased. It's not like I needed the jeans, but I have not found a pair like these anywhere else that actually fit! I have been looking high and low for a braided waistband on a pair of jeans....and viola, I picked up a pair from my South Coast Plaza Forever 21 trip (this one just opened)! They just so happened to fit perfectly so I HAD to get them. 

The Necklace: Peas in a Pod. The pearly beads set in a golden pea pod was the darn cutest thing I had ever seen. My friend Trang bestowed this dainty necklace on me as a belated birthday present. She had been anxiously waiting to give it to me because she had also bought the same necklace and wanted to wear it when I received mine....it's our "friendship" necklace and represents our closeness....we are like "Peas in a Pod".  Trang picked up this lil beaut when we were shopping in Santa Monica at the Brandy Melville store....she was just sly enough to purchase the necklace without me seeing!
 {Images via Android}