Angels Baseball & Give Jewelry

It just so happened that the morning before an Angels Baseball game (tickets compliments of my friend Ashley, whom was supposed to go with but had to work last minute), I received my 'team colors' bracelet from Give Jewelry just in time to wear to the game. I was thrilled to not only to sport my team colors with a new wrap bracelet but also spread the word of Give Jewelry; started by surfer Charlie Halsell and his wife after a life changing trip to a Bali orphanage in 1992; the bracelets made by Bali Artisans and sold through Give Jewelry contributes to a 'sustainable movement to provide food for children in orphanages throughout Indonesia. The vision is simple: every bracelet purchased directly benefits kids in need. So no matter what type of bracelet you choose; friendship, charm, leather, beaded, cuff or any of our other bracelets, you're really choosing to make a difference'. I am excited to be apart of the 1-1-1 movement: 1 Piece (bracelet) - 1 Child - 1 Week of Meals (21 Meals); bracelets range $9-28! I have one more Give Bracelet to share with you, and the post will be coming up in the next week (as I am busily working on my dance students' recital this weekend) along with an amazing giveaway!
Back to baseball, Angels games are a fave summer pass time in OC and I can't WAIT to root root root for the home team again; here's what I wore to this past Monday's game:

Angels Jersey/ Jeans (Levis)/ Beaded Bracelets (DIY)/ Braided Wrap Bracelet (Give Jewelry)/ Belt (unknown)/ Backpack (Thrifted)/ Wedge Booties (Forever 21)