Anti-Racism Daily Education and Actions for the New Year 2021 and Beyond

Antiracism Daily Website Header

As apart of my 2021 goals to dive into more anti-racism work, I subscribed to Anti-Racism Daily’s daily email newsletters. Not only are they informative, but they include action items. So for those like me that can become overwhelmed by issues but want to help, these newsletters are perfect for contributing towards dismantling white supremacy, and supporting/contributing to helping our marginalized communities.

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Anti-racism work doesn’t start and end when the protests do. It’s a practice, which means we do it consistently, over time and with vigor. Racism is our default practice. Therefore, we need to consciously commit to practicing anti-racism in all that we do.⁣

Sign up to receive daily emails to keep your anti-racism practice persistent and consistent. Each will include:

  • An urgent and tactical action you can take to practice anti-racism each day

  • Insights on the systemic and interpersonal practices that uphold white supremacy and systems of oppression

  • Clear and tangible resources to support your education

Let’s get to work. - Nicole Cardoza, Editor-in-Chief

Subscribe to the daily emails here, add their slack channel, or explore the archives.


Since June 3, the Anti-Racism Daily has been sending one email a day pairing current events with historical context and personal reflections on how racism persists in the U.S. (and around the world).

The newsletter is free, and readers can make a contribution here. There’s also a paid group subscription option for workplaces and schools to get weekly discussion guides, monthly reporting, and other perks.

The Anti-Racism Daily started as a casual project by Nicole Cardoza, who acts as editor-in-chief and identifies as a cisgender Black woman.

We feature diverse voices that report on critical current events related to racism and systemic oppression. View all contributors >

The font you see in our brand name, the headers of this email, and throughout the website is inspired by the protest signs from the 1968 sanitation strike. Protestors carried posters with the statement “I AM A MAN,” a phrase from the 18th-century abolitionist movement, at a time Jim Crow South still referred to Black men as “boys”. And signs with the same statement have been carried by the protestors in 2020 during the City Waste Union.

This font, named Martin, was created by Tré Seals, founder of Vocal Type Co, a type foundry for creatives of color that highlights a piece of history from a specific underrepresented race, ethnicity, or gender—from the Women’s Suffrage Movement in Argentina to the Civil Rights Movement in America – with every typeface. According to their website, nearly 84% of all designers in America are white, and until recently, the majority of all designers in America were Men. We’re proud to carry this work into our branding. Special thanks to Max Brettler for helping to shape our brand identity. Learn more >

I AM A MAN - Antiracism Daily Image

All Images from