Hanging Eucalyptus in the Shower

Hanging a bundle of eucalyptus in the shower is such an easy way to elevate the shower/bathing experience. I always find fresh eucalyptus to be very fragrant, but the aroma is not overpowering (but maybe that’s because my sense of smell has dulled in the past few years), so it could be overpowering for some, but you do have the flexibility to include as much or little eucalyptus that you want to hang.

All you need to do is buy a bundle/bouquet of eucalyptus from the store, then:

  1. Gather how many stems you want to bundle together - you can do the whole bunch or separate. I separated so that I could display some of the eucalyptus in a vase in my home

  2. Get twine or similar, and wrap about 3 times around the stems & knot, and cut

  3. Hang off where you want from the shower head and knot or tie

  4. Turn on the water and enjoy an aromatic shower

You’ll know when you need to discard the eucalyptus when you see mold or browning of the leaves.